God is gracious!
For someone like me who usually has no or not much money, I really got scared when this March 2019 one of our two cats turned light yellow in the ears and neck. First time I saw jaundice up close!
It was a very good cat. It was a stray kitten when it first came, one that had a horrible cold that left its eyes and nose trailing with watery mucus. When it was that small, I gave it a teaspoonful of water (in which I had daubed the antibiotic for animals). Yep, please don't give medicine for humans to animals. It survived!
We prayed for wisdom that the cat may be well. Was I to let the cat go? I asked myself. When the third week of March came, I saw it walking as if dizzy. It was on its way out, looking all bones, tired and seemingly ready to die. I got struck and fired into action! Why not try giving it a gulp of virgin coconut oil which I use in oil pooling? Yes, it's the Indian tradition of letting a tablespoon of oil stay in the mouth for ten minutes or so, making the motions of swallowing but not swallowing, ready to spit it out once done cleaning the mouth.
I caught the weakened orange and white cat, gave it a pat on the head and back, and pinned its front legs down. I cooed sounds to it as I brought the cap of the virgin coconut oil bottle close to its mouth and let the oil get into the side of the mouth. I then let it go.
Weakened as it was, it proceeded with its walk and went to the corner, seemingly awaiting its death. But mercifully, I saw it swallow 3 or 4 times. Boy was I glad! Later that night, it began eating again. Real fast relief, huh? Thank God!
It's now April and the yellow color is gone! The cat's a survivor. Don't know why, but it goes to me from time to time, so I still give it a little of that oil. It's still thin, but I know it will live. What about in humans, huh?!
Will be posting a picture of that cat anytime soon...